Does Debbie

Monday, March 28, 2005

Honey, Don't

When it comes to adding spice in the bedroom, people's tastes are as diverse as their palates. Of course there are those like things salt-free, and those who need to add some pepper to their orgasms. For example, once on Date #3 with someone, he whipped out a blindfold (no, we weren't doing that, not that soon!) While this might be considered kinky for some, others find this mildly seasoning.

Without revealing too much about my preferences (and I am not going to tell you how I reacted to the blindfold incident,) I do have a funny story to share...

One of my first boyfriends in the city, after graduating college, was M. We met through his roommate in early fall, and I was ecstatic when we started dating in January. The R-rated times with M M were fun- our thing was to push the envelop in outdoor spaces. But never were any tangible items added to the mix, until my birthday that September.

After a special bday dinner, M and I thought it would be fun to go "food shopping" at the local bodega. For some reason, I was drawn to the honey bottles (maybe I was sensing the upcoming Rosh Hashana apples and honey.) Who knows.

What I neglected to consider was the amount of body hair that M had (total sweater boy, but fortunately, no back hair. Or at least that's the picture I am going to paint for you.) So what I thought would be sweet and tasty turned out to be gooey and stuck. Very stuck- akin to getting gum in your hair. Let's just say that M took 2 showers that night, and was pulling honey out of his hair for a good 2 weeks following. And all I got for my birthday was a nice dinner.

Lesson learned.


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