Does Debbie

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Randomness in My Life

Ok, this sucks. I just wrote an entire blog, introducing myself and giving you a purpose to return, and this stupid piece of shit site "was not responding" and I lost everything. Note to self: back up file before trying to publish.

Anyway, I will try to re-create what I wrote. Hello, welcome to my blog. As I am a year late on this bandwagon, I am going to try to create original postings for you. This is a work in progress, so please bear with me. Most likely, I will share with you the randomness in my life. After all, that is what makes me unique, and that is what will make you laugh. I'm not saying that I'm funny, because people who say that they're funny usually aren't. I just have funny things pass in and out of my life. Like gas. Just kidding.

Today's randomness takes the form on a vending machine. On every floor of my company lives the standard vending maching with an array of guiltless peanuts, has-been salty snacks (Munchos anyone?) and ass-expanding chocolate concoctions. Today, however, our vending maching had something else. The following sign taped on:

The row, not the drug


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