Does Debbie

Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Weirdest Habits of Dates- the Top 5

If you live in New York City and are single, chances are you have been on a date or two or four hundred and seventy-three. And if you ever watched Seinfeld you get a sense of just how neurotic us NYC daters are, or just how bad the pool of eligibles is. Probably a combination of both.

Anyway, having had one too many bouts of "singlehood" since I moved here almost ten years ago, I have had my share of dates. My dating stories alone are enough to write about on Does Debbie, but that is too cliche- another 30-something woman (and I am on the very low end of that range, all of you thinking I am 38 or so. Try 31) scorned, and getting back at her exes via the world wide web. Which has become the world wide whoa is me. Nope, none of that here. I am just going to share an occassional funny story here and then.

Which brings me to this story: The Weirdest Habits of Dates- the top 5

5. The guy who kept saying "like" between ever word. Sad when that comes out of a 25 year old's mouth

4. The guy that HAD to face the front of the restaurant where the windows were. Since he worked soooo many hours in his blah blah investment banking job, he never saw sunlight and needed it every chance he got.

3. The guy that tweezed. Hey, we're all fans of grooming. And the rule of less is more usually applies here. But it's a problem when the tweezers end up on a guy's eyebrows (and no, not talking about removing the unibrow, which is a must) and you have to bite your tongue from asking how he got such great arch.

2. The guy that walked too slow. Seriously. He was 6'2", so you'd think that each of his one steps would match 2 of mine. Make that 10 of mine. He really was too slow to go on a second date with.

1. The guy that had an impressive bookshelf in his bedroom. A concoction of classic fiction, history novels, and industry books. And 80's collection figures in front of the books. How is this weird you ask? On top of his books was his collection of lubricants. Yup, KY and Astroglide above JK Rowling and Astrology books.


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