Does Debbie

Friday, April 22, 2005

One Lump Sum

Unless you live in a peanut shell, you know what Mega Millions is. But what you might not know is that the jackpot is currently over $200 million dollars. As this week marched on, and no winners arose from the $100+ million and $150+ million jackpots, the country's dollars continue to fuel the fire.

I'll admit it- I really don't play lottery games because as I have stated before, "if I didn't have bad luck I'd have no luck." However, there is something alluring about the prospect of $200 million. Which is quite silly because a mere $2 million win would alter my life in numerous ways. But like most, I wait until the jackpot gets ridiculously large to play.

This is where the absurdity of the situation climaxes. Upon the purchase of the ticket(s), the lovely corner deli attendant asks if you would like "26 annual payments or one lump song." Knowing that the $200 million is not worth $200 million in 26 years, the obvious choice is one lump sum, whopping taxes included. For that brief second, you ponder the receipt of millions and millions. Your mind (or at least mine) processes the possibility that because you are selecting how you will receive the money, you might actually win the money.

So when the woman at the Corner Drug Store asked me about my lump sum, flashes of ideas swarmed my brain. Of course I would quit my job the next morning. Yes I would become a professional blogger, or write a book or something like that. You bet that apartment in Gramercy Park would be mine- key to park to boot.

But like the millions who played Mega Millions that night, my numbers were not pulled. I won't get that apartment (unless I marry rich of course) or become a world-reknown author. I did not win.

Am I going to play again tonight? Of course! Only so I can be asked whether I want 26 annual payments or one lump sum.


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