Does Debbie

Friday, May 27, 2005

Corporate Poo

Eating, sleeping, and shitting. Three things we have been doing since our conception. Yet, for some reason, why is the latter one such an uncomfortable thing to do, in certain situations- like work?

I have been in the corporate workforce for about ten years, and for only 20 months of that time was a blessed to work at a company with private bathroom stalls with floor to ceiling wooden doors. Go Lowe & Partners!!

The rest of the time, like now, I am forced to share my bathroom time with others, and I still get weirded out over many situations. For example, about a week ago, I went into the stall at the same time as a very senior person in my company. She had to "go" to the bathroom, and it grossed me out, which it shouldn't have. This is human nature we're talking about here. But I'm not sure what to do in certain situations- like a bad stomach ache. Personally, I would rather run home 5 blocks than go to the bathroom in front of other people. It's just awkward.

Another example. Yesterday, I had just sat down in the far left stall when someone walked into the stall next to me. There were 2 other empty ones and she had to go next to me. It freaked me out. I had to sit there, with my pants covering my shoes (so no one would recognize me) waiting for her to finish her business so I could start mine. After all, two women would never go at the same time.

Why can't us women be more comfortable with this? Why can't we brag about our bathroom success? Why does trying to take a shit at work take planning and timing?

With all the crap we deal with at work, this should not be part of it. Pun intended.


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