Does Debbie

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Spring Forward

A few weeks ago we had to spring our clocks forward an hour for Daylight Savings Time. But the strangest thing occurred: my biological clock moved forward as well.

Maybe it's the increased number of carriages passing me on the street, as a result of the warmer weather. Or perhaps it's due to having my first friend with two, yup, two kids. Regardless, the ticking seems to have gotten seventeen decibels louder (Note to my potential husband that I am not going to do anything crazy like throw out my birth control if we date.) I just seem to think babies are even cuter than I did in early April.

I even did the strangest thing today: I looked at my baby/toddler pictures. Not to recollect on just how damn cute I was, but to see how I looked/acted at each age as I prepare myself for motherhood some day. I truly have lost my mind.

Well since I am not going to have children in the near future, I think I might get a pet. One that doesn't require much effort, much money or much time. Because I am still in too much of a selfish stage to be responsible for another life.

Hmmm, I think the clock just moved back an hour.


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