Does Debbie

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Crossing the Line

My mother and I are very close. At times I even consider her more of a friend than a parental figure, and she might say the same. We share stories- about work, friends, life. Even dating (when she was single.) But interestingly, and perhaps thankfully, we have never discussed sex. Today, at 31 years old, and when I was 5 reading "Where Do I Come From" at a friend's house- never once have we engaged in the birds and the bees conversation (although I doubt we would revert back to nature icons at this point in my life.)

Regardless, the strangest thing happened a short time ago: I talked to my mother about sex. No, not mine, of course. I talked about my sister's sex life. It was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders- the freedom to cross that line. I was able to talk to my mother about how important sex is in a relationship, how often it should happen, what it means when it doesn't happen- all through the guise of my sister! It was great.

But then, I realized why I never spoke to my mother about sex in the first place:

She told me that her husband has a strong sex drive for a man his age. GGRRRROOOSSSSSSSS!

: )


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