Does Debbie

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Super Heroes

It's kind of weird to say, but comic book heroes are all the rage. Spiderman, the X-Men, Batmam, even Catwoman have, for better or worse, have all made it to the silver screen recently. And this invasion does not stop with the movies. AquaMan was on a recent episode of Entourage, and it probably won't be long before we see Superman on Broadway.

So, I can't say it came out of left field when I was asked the other night what super hero I could be. I'll be more specific: what magical powers could I create using my existing personality and skill set.

We're going to keep this G-rated folks, so don't even think that... This was a challenge. It's not like I am a great sleeper and could use the power of sleep to knock the criminals in the world unconscious (Matt's idea.) And while I have a good memory, I don't think I could remember the details of every crime scene to put all the bad guys behind bars.

I was running out of ideas. I was getting desperate. I threw out the first thing that came to mind- my ability to match make. Jobs, relationships, apartments, you name it. I have matched friends and family up with all of them. I would be YentaWoman. I would help criminals find happiness by setting them up with the perfect man or woman. I would bring love to this world, erasing all evil.

Yes, I have definitely gone off the deep end.


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