Does Debbie

Friday, January 06, 2006

Been a While

So the most random thing just occurred: I picked up the phone at work, clearly expecting to hear my mother's voice on the other end, and instead heard an old college friend, Noid. It had been a solid 4 years since we had spoken and Noid had tracked me down, wanting to catch up.

Like most, I enjoy surprises, and this one was no different. However, within 4 minutes of catching up with Noid, I realized that this surprise was different. It was kind of like a balloon with a small hole in it, nice at first, and then it loses all its air.

You see, Noid told me all about his suburban life: his house in Connecticut, his one and a half kids, his stay-at-home wife. Bitch. Then came the dreaded question, "so, what's new with you?" Grrrrrrrl. Now even though my life is great, I hate answering this question when asked by a MISP (married in suburbs person.)

In the 4 years since I last spoke to Noid, not much had changed. I still live in the city. I have not procreated. And I am still not married. Good times.

The conversation got worse at that point. Noid then ran through the list of friends we had in common and asked about them- P- married. M- married with 2 kids. S- pregnant. Wow, was I having a fun Friday or what? My saving grace came about 6 minutes later- my mom finally called.


  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger Chris said…

    Fascinating comment dale...

    Anyways, I hate the whole "catching-up with old friends" routine. What do I talk about? Some stuff is going well, and I feel bad because sometimes it's going better than with my phone friend. Plus I'm not exactly living on the fast track, not a lot happens that I think is all that memorable.

    Plus I have that memory problem where all events before last week are kinda hazy. So what did I do last year? I'm not really sure...


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