Does Debbie

Thursday, March 16, 2006

$2,835 bridesmaid

I am 32 years old. I have been in three friend's weddings, which is not a lot of bridesmaid dresses I've had to buy compare to some women. It's not that I don't have a lot of close female friends; most of them have spared me from having to be in their wedding, or they chose not to have a bridal party.


My oldest friend in the world (we were born 12 days apart) is getting married this summer. I love her fiance, I am thrilled for her. I am excited to be part of her wedding and have no complaints. Honestly. Except that I am spending almost $3,000 for her big day. Let me explain:

Dress: $340

Bridal Shower gift: $75
Rental car to get to shower: $220 with gas and tolls
Flight to bachelorette party: $350 (although I did use miles)
Hotel and meals for bachelorette party: $500
Flight for wedding for two: $600 (again, hoping to use miles)
Hotel for wedding weekend: $500
Wedding gift: $250

Total: $2,825
Bi-weekly pay check: about the same amount.. UGH.


  • At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OMG--I swear I didn't read this before I wrote mine. And here I was thinking I was SO original!


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