Out of Touch
I suck, I know. It's been almost a week since my last post. I have a good excuse for not writing between last Thursday and Sunday, as I was in LA and Palm Springs for a bachelorette party. Fun times. And I had a fun celebrity sighting on my plane ride out- Skeet Ulrich, remember him from Scream? Not sure what ever happened to him, but he was looking pretty darn good...
And things have been crazy at work. I switched accounts and am extremely busy, to say the least. But work is good, so I'm happy.
Then there is the situation with The Man. It's interesting- whenever I tell people his age (37), the first response out of people's mouths is "Oh, that's a good age, why aren't you engaged yet?" It seems that people automatically equate getting older with wanting to get married quicker.
But what seems to always be left out of the discussion (and all the self-help books frankly) is the other side of dating in your 30's. What happens when two people who have been single and living alone most of their lives, have to merge? The struggle to maintain independence, while letting someone into your life, and giving completely to someone else. Honestly, there have been nights where I would rather go to the gym, then to dinner with The Man. And he would rather be in his apartment alone, as he "has things to do." And you know what, for now that's ok.
I don't people really spend the time discussing the challenges of dating in your 30's, when you are a confident, fully independent, happy person.
Shit, sorry. I just had a work party and have had 3 glasses of wine and am drunk. I really have no desire to edit this post, as it is just how I feel. Take it or leave it.
And things have been crazy at work. I switched accounts and am extremely busy, to say the least. But work is good, so I'm happy.
Then there is the situation with The Man. It's interesting- whenever I tell people his age (37), the first response out of people's mouths is "Oh, that's a good age, why aren't you engaged yet?" It seems that people automatically equate getting older with wanting to get married quicker.
But what seems to always be left out of the discussion (and all the self-help books frankly) is the other side of dating in your 30's. What happens when two people who have been single and living alone most of their lives, have to merge? The struggle to maintain independence, while letting someone into your life, and giving completely to someone else. Honestly, there have been nights where I would rather go to the gym, then to dinner with The Man. And he would rather be in his apartment alone, as he "has things to do." And you know what, for now that's ok.
I don't people really spend the time discussing the challenges of dating in your 30's, when you are a confident, fully independent, happy person.
Shit, sorry. I just had a work party and have had 3 glasses of wine and am drunk. I really have no desire to edit this post, as it is just how I feel. Take it or leave it.
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
I recommend the book "Passionate Marriage" by David Shnarch. It's not really about marriage, it's about committed relationships and the overall theme of the book is about the balance between having an "individual" identity and a "together" identity and not sacrificing either for the other. i seriously learned a lot from this book, and i rarely say that. It is not a typical self-help book. Actually very dense, and probably meant for academics and practicing psychologists to read. Also...another friend of mine is about to publish a book called "Tinkerbell Syndrome, and seven other ways women avoid committment." one of its overall themes is that women are made to feel bad or wrong about not wanting a committment
At 10:54 AM,
Tracy said…
I agree completely with your (drunken) post. After marrying a man in his late-30s after having been single for a long time, there are still times when I'm wanting to just go to my OWN room and close the door. But now it's OUR room so it's not so easy. It's all about balancing the me, the him and the us.
At 11:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Holy crap you are my hero and envy! I love Skeet Ulrich in every sense. I need details!
You can post at my site:
Peace out!
At 2:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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