Does Debbie

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Verizon's Law

So last night I was silent. I watched Brokeback Mountain, I mean Soprano's, from Sunday. I played poker online and lost. I emailed. But what I did not do from 8pm til 12am was talk. No, I did not take some weird monk vow; my cell phone died.

For some reason it got stuck on that blue vortex and would not shut down. I tried removing the battery, about 18 times. I tried charging it. Nothing worked. No phone all night. (oh and in case you are wondering, no, I don't have a land line. I'm one of those people.)

While it was annoying that I could not say good night to The Man, or hear my sister describe her dinner meal bite by bite, it was kind of refreshing. But I am going to Palm Springs soon, and don't want it dying in the middle of the desert.

Bright and early this morning, I headed over to Verizon. Before I left my apartment, my phone was STILL not working. I had to make the pre-work stop.

I walk into Verizon, explain the situation to the tech woman, and hand over my phone.

She turns it on... and it works.


  • At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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