Does Debbie

Friday, June 09, 2006

Debbie vs. Tonic

Anyone who lives in my neighborhood probably knows that they opened Tonic East on the corner of 29th and 3rd (my block, unfortunately.) Under most circumstances, I would be thrilled to have a local pub to watch the Ravens on Sundays, or to order Frangelica on the rocks from a nice Irish man named Sean. But this is not the case.

Tonic East has three levels, including a roofbar. They are opened every day (including Sundays) until 4am. They play very loud music on obnoxiously loud stereos and have wall to wall flat-screen TVs and open windows. They probably have over 30,000 square feet under the roof.

They opened today, and Jennifer Lopez greeted me when I turned the corner, belting out All my Love. Honestly, I did not want her love. I do not want my block turning into a mecca for post-college Sigma Chis.

I had an idea: sneaking mice into the place. That ought to shut it down. Or what about putting a toe nail in a salad? Maybe I could "fall" walking to the bathroom. I could also call the cops if it gets too loud, but I think I just turned into my grandma. Geez, am I old or what?


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