Does Debbie

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

It's all in the name

A year and a half ago, when I was dating my ex, Matt, I used another name for him when writing about some of our earliest dates. This was before he became The Man (and was later penned The Fool by Mr. Anonymous.) I called him Adam. I'm not sure where that name came from, as I have never dated an Adam, and actually had never been friends with an Adam. But Adam he was. It was funny, my best friend Stacey actually thought his name was Adam for the first month or two we dated. Ironically, I have gone out several times recently with someone named Adam. Hopefully my friends won't call him Matt.

Then there's the name Steve. Of the few men that I have slept with, 18% have been named Steve.

I have only dated one David, although I told my mother a few years ago that I was destined to marry a David. 0 Micheals, 0 Scotts, and only 1 Jeff (1 was more than I could handle.)

If and when I have a son, he might have a biblical name such as Jonah or Noah. Or something unusual such as Bricke. Or maybe I'll name him after my sports hero: Cal.


  • At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Um, I think its time we got a Scott on that list... :)


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