Does Debbie

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Only in New York

I love the surprises most in New York. What someone is going to say, who you are going to run into in your local bodega, what someone is wearing. This morning provided me with another dose of much needed shock.

Upon exiting my apartment building this morning to head to work, the very first words I heard as I breathed in the crisp fall air were, "I sold cocaine for 15 years and made a lot of money." While this is not that of an uncommon phrase, it wasn't normal at 8:47am. And it definitely was not normal coming from the mouth of my affable, 60-year old neighbor. Weird. I thought the man baked for his grandkids all day, or did Soduko. I wouldn't have pegged him for a coke dealer.

No less than 50 short steps later, as I was crossing 3rd Avenue, I heard another neighbor yelling across the street at me, "Your outfit is so cute today." That was no surprise as my outfit is one of my favorites (orange short sleeve sweater with brown and orange plaid cropped wool pants from BCBG, with brown and orange platform shoes.) Weird was that I have never really spoken with said neighbor, except to pet his dog. He is definitely gay, which would explain the fashion praise that all of Gramercy could hear.

Oh, and for those of you anxiously awaiting the answers to yesterday's questions:

1) 1898
2) Hollywood
3) Golden Girls


  • At 2:53 PM, Blogger Chris said…

    DAMMIT I posted a comment where I guessed Golden Girls for question #3. I knew that "Server not found" error was a bad sign. Incidentally, I've probably watched every episode of that show, which is partially the reason I have the geriatric fetish.

    As for the topic of the day, I can't say I've heard anything that crazy from my neighbors. Then again, I live in northern Virginia. I'd have to understand Spanish to know what they're saying.

  • At 11:29 AM, Blogger ButterSnatch said…

    NYC... the center of the known universe (or so newyankers think). little do ya'll know, that HOUSTON is the center of the universe!!! kidding. i lived in philly for a while and used to hear some pretty crazy shit (especially from my upstairs neighbors... newlyweds). shopped in nyc from time to time, but that's about it. can't say i heard any craziness, but then again, i didn't really spend any appreciable amount of time there.


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