Does Debbie

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I Feel Invaded

Someone spent 51 minutes on my blog today. How I know, you may ask, is through the tracker at the very bottom of the page. With this amazing technology, I can track how many people click on my blog, how long they stayed, their city, and even their IP address (so yes, Leonard, I know when you read, and you too Jessica.) Unfortunately, for the rest of you with generic IPs such as,, etc, you are a mystery. I only get to know you through your few and far between comments. Many of you are anonymous.

Which of course comes with the territory of having a blog. I share every detail of my life in little snippets, and you, dear reader, swallow it in. But for some reason, it creeps me out when someone spends almost an hour reading about me. All at once. I feel like someone just walked in on me having sex. Alone. You are learning too much about me, too soon, in too short of a time period. I instantly go from stranger to the girl with relationship issues that looks like Demi Moore (thanks who set her mother up with her husband... you get the point.

So who ever you are, I hope you enjoyed what you read, you slack-off (an hour during the day- shouldn't you be working???) : )


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