Does Debbie

Friday, December 29, 2006

Whose Friend Is It?

There is an unspoken rule that when couples break up, loyalties are quickly and easily divided. The guy gets to keep his friends, the girl gets to keep hers, and any mutual friends are split, depending on the orginator. Let's ground this in reality.

The Date and I split after a few months, as most of you know. While we were dating, I met a few of his female friends, some of whom I really liked. I actually emailed one of them a few times, exchanged recipes, and planned a night out. Upon split, I have since severed all ties to aforementioned friend.

The Date, meanwhile, hit things off with my best friend's husband. While we were dating, I couldn't have been happier. But now that things have ended, the unspoken rule cites that The Date sever ties with my friends. However, this has not happened. In fact, the two of them are still friends, and go out for drinks occasionally.

I'm okay that the rule was broken and the two of them are friends. Honestly. It just might get weird when my best friend and her husband have a party. And of course, it's weird that The Date just stopped calling after four months. You'd think he would have handled it better knowing that we now share friends.


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