Does Debbie

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Where the Men Are

Admittedly, I have been on and off of Jdate for over seven years (fortunately more off than on, but just typing that made my matzoh ball soup dinner rise higher up my esophagus.) Yes, I have met some great guys from the site, but my most serious and longest term boyfriends were not from there. As you might recall, I met The Man at a party in a bar, I met Jeff at work, and I met Alex in Central Park (Sheep's Meadow to be exact.)

My point of this post is definitely not to draw attention to my roller coaster dating life, but rather to give advice to all single women out there: JDate and are not the only place to meet men. In fact, I found somewhere better, but please keep this between us.

(Home Depot)

Yup, in exploring the cabinetry, lighting fixtures and paint samples for my potential new apartment (we're crossing our fingers) I practically tripped over some damn good-looking men. And better yet, if they are in Home Depot then there is a good chance they are good with their hands (get your mind out of the gutter.) I strolled into the Hardware section, and was blown away by the amount of nuts there (you're still in that gutter, perv) and drills being examined by men. And these weren't just Brawny men types of guys, there were plenty of suits there. There were older men and younger men, gay (um, well, maybe not) and straight. And unlike the gym, it's not totally cheesy to ask for help with the equipment.

I was only there for 30 minutes and gave my number to two guys.

Just kidding, but a girl can dream.... Re-decorating this apartment is going to be fun!!


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