My nickname in college was Lips. Not because I was blessed with Angelina Jolie's amazing pout, but rather because I always wanted Angelina's lips. In college, my lips were thin, stemming from a combination of too much alcohol, and too much food. My face was fat, which pushed my lips inward more, or drew attention to my cheeks, or some other bullshit like that.
I compensated through make-up. I was the queen of lip liner. I perfected the skill. In fact, to this day, I can still flawlessly apply lip stick and lip liner without a mirror.
After college, I lost some weight, and my lips returned to normal size. In fact, many a man have commented on just how soft they are. But still, they are on the thin side.
With the onset of LipFusion and LipPlump, I have actually slightly increased the size of my lips. Or so I tell myself. I have been happy with myself, lips included.
However, last weekend at the wedding in LA, I ran into an old high school friend, who is now a cosmetic dermatologist. She praised Botox. She even recommended its use preventively. I told her about my life long desire for a lip injection and she practically begged me to come to her office. For just $600 every 6 months, she will perfectly inject Restalyne into my lips, turning them into two pink cottonballs. I gotta admit, I'm tempted.
Now these are what I want my lips to look like:

And this would be plastic surgery gone awry:

I think I'll stick to my good ole' Does Debbie lips for now. Or at least for this week.